Poetry: If heaven has selected me for thy deliverer, it will accomplish its work –Emily Bludworth de Barrios

If heaven has selected me for thy deliverer, it will accomplish its work

I have never had a
desire to be so

very famous
except when I was

a girl

I suspected
(as you did also)

that I would be told one day
without warning that

I was in fact a
princess who had

been misplaced
I felt

special and I wanted
an external proof

something irrefutable

I imagine and then I
believe that everyone

feels this way special
and irrefutable and

seeking proof it’s not
reproachable behavior

it’s as a matter of fact true you are
special and in all this

millennia this is your
one time to occur

the princess of time is

here the unique one having
arrived to bestow upon us

her royal graceful presence
that is you

This poem comes from Emily Bludworth de Barrios’s debut book of poems, Splendor, which is available from H_NGM_N Books. She is also the author of the chapbook Extraordinary Power (Factory Hollow Press 2014). Recent work can be read in B O D Y, UCity Review, Jellyfish, Tender, and elsewhere. Find Emily online at emilybludworthdebarrios.tumblr.com.

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